Being on the Right Side

What’s the difference between your expenses being $10 less than what you earn, versus $10 more?

By direct comparison, not very much. Probably won’t make or break you either way.

But over time, if the pattern continues, then the gap becomes more pronounced. $10 a week is over $500 a year.

That’s $500 in savings vs. $500 in debt.

Now imagine if we were talking about a higher rate than $10/week. Or if the money was subject to compounding. The disparity would be even greater.

Being on the right side matters.

Not just for the direction you’re heading, but because you’ll be further influenced by habit, momentum, and self-reinforcing behavior.

Lots of little actions can add up to a lot. Stay on the right side as much as you can.

(applies to other situations too, not just money-related ones)